Receivables financing and logistics for middle-market and smaller businesses

Your receivables are powerful assets.

Maybe it’s time to start using them that way.

Alpine Ridge Funding is a receivables financing company that pays businesses immediately—within 24 hours—when their customers are invoiced.

Our highly customizable service turns your receivables into an immediate cash asset that is more predictable, reliable, and flexible than the cash flow you have now—so you can focus on running and growing your business and take it to the next level.


Value of receivables financing originated and executed by Alpine Ridge leadership team

and smaller

Size of businesses served across North America

business day
or less

Time it takes for a company with an Alpine Ridge facility to receive cash payment on a customer invoice


Extent to which Alpine Ridge can creatively structure fast funding solutions to match the needs and goals of our clients

Cash-Flow Solutions

Cash-Flow Solutions

Getting business is challenging enough. Getting paid for what you provide shouldn’t be even more challenging and shouldn’t stand in the way of your plans to solidify and grow your business.

Alpine Ridge cash-flow solutions enable middle-market and small businesses to tap an asset that many companies never make full use of: their receivables. There are no lengthy loan contracts to wade through (because it’s not a loan), no restrictive covenants, and no need to worry about the current strength of your balance sheet—just fast payments that your business has earned and deserves to be paid.


Cards on the Table


Cards on the Table

There’s one aspect of receivables financing, also called “invoice factoring,” that many factoring firms don’t really like to talk about—even though it’s a key part of the service they offer. (Just try to find it on their websites—it isn’t easy!)

At Alpine Ridge Funding, in contrast, we proactively bring this aspect of receivables financing into the daylight because we think it’s the respectful thing to do—and because our solutions for dealing with this aspect are (in our opinion) the best in the business.


The Alpine Ridge team are recognized leaders in working-capital solutions who have built some of the industry’s most customer-focused platforms for middle-market and small business funding.

The Process is Easy

Long version


To receive a quote, contact us for an application and submit it with the requested info about your receivables. (The application isn’t long.)


If there is any special customization you might like to see in your receivables facility, or any special concern you have, tell us. We love to customize to meet unique needs.


Once your facility is set up, log in to our portal online and submit your customer invoices.


Get paid up to 97.5% on the same or next business day, and more later when your customers pay the invoices.

Short version: Just call us

Or get in touch via the brief form below. We’ll tell you everything you need to know and do to improve your cash flow with receivables financing from Alpine Ridge.